The Holy Spirimeter, a Review (Part 5 of 6)
The Holy Spirimeter! This is Part 5 of our in-depth ‘review’ of a fictional device that I created to help clarify for myself and perhaps share with others what is required to acquire and maintain a healthy spiritual life. What do you think so far? (If you missed the beginning, you can read Part 1 here.) As I have spent hours testing it and using it in my daily life, I have come to see the Holy Spirimeter as an intriguing device that is adding unparalleled value to my search for a healthy spiritual life. Let’s continue the review …
The Three Expectations
As we’ve mentioned several times in this review, according to the Holy Spirimeter’s companion Book the Creator has only three broad expectations when it comes to having a healthy spiritual life.
- To accept the Creator’s offer (discussed in Part 3)
- To learn to love and trust the Creator (Part 4)
- To learn to love and serve others, which is discussed below
The First and foremost requirement for healthy spiritual life was discussed in Part 3. And again as a reminder, the First Expectation is the only one that is absolutely required to be eligible for the Upgrader Program.
The Third Expectation
… is for Upgraders to care for each other in all the same ways they care for themselves. Like the Second, this too feels like an overwhelming expectation and is also one that Upgraders will never fully achieve here in this life. As with the Second, the real expectation of the Third is to forget the past and passionately pursue caring for others in the same way they care for themselves.
Of course, there will be a unique plan and path for each individual Upgrader. And like the Second, this expectation has many common areas that Upgraders will want to consider.

Common Coaching for the Third
- The Holy Spirimeter and its companion Book encourage Upgraders to actively help and support each other. And not only in what is said, although that is important, but also in what is done, by setting an example as well as providing very practical life-help. Interestingly, the Book also says that Upgraders must be willing to receive help from fellow Upgraders as well, which some will find to be more challenging.
- Each Upgrader is to do good, in whatever ways they feel gifted and prompted, for those in need (whether they have a Holy Spirimeter or not) – those who are hungry, thirsty, marginalized, naked, sick or imprisoned in any way. Along this line, the website claims that each Upgrader has been individually gifted with strengths, passions, talents and resources that are intended to be used for this very purpose. Therefore, according to the Book, each Upgrader will have a unique path in their pursuit of this Third Expectation.
- According to the Book, Upgraders are considered by the Holy Spirimeter and the Creator to be more that just equal participants in a wonderful program (which they are), but as family members. Upgraders are encouraged to make every effort to maintain a healthy, loving and family relationship with their fellow Upgraders.
- Finally, like any great product, the Book encourages Upgraders to give the Holy Spirimeter a 5-Star rating and to tell friends and associates about it. According to the Book, Upgraders will receive a benefit (they call it a ‘blessing’) when they tell others about the Holy Spirimeter.
Thanks for continuing to read our in-depth review of the Holy Spirimeter. I hope it is helpful. Stay tuned for Part 6, the final installment.