Thanks for stopping by The Pursuit of an Outrageous Life!

So what’s this all about?

After 47 years in the work-a-day world, in April 2018 I retired at age 65.  My beautiful wife, with whom I have shared life since high school, followed just a few months later.  That summer we sold the house we had lived in for 35 years, where we had raised five wonderful children and watched them raise our twelve incredible grandkids.  We moved into a 5th-wheel trailer and began full time traveling in the fall.  The process was long and difficult.  More so was the prospect of not being able to see our kids and grands as often as we were accustomed.
How and why we decided to travel full time will be a part of what we share here.  So too, we will be sharing our adventures and observations, and how God is continuing to show us who he is, and who we are in him.
Above all though, I want to brag about Jesus.  Whatever I may do or say or share is nothing unless it points to him. Because over all the years, in spite of who I am, or rather in sight of who I really am, Jesus stood by my side, strengthening, encouraging and urging me to trust him, and comforting me when I struggled.  He never left me.  Every time I grandly crashed and made a fool of myself (which was more often than I care to remember), the next morning he was there with a warm fatherly smile, waiting for me to acknowledge my prideful rebellion.  Then He embraced me, reminded me of His unconditional love and acceptance, and lifted me up to start again.

Before we finish up, you may be wondering what qualifies me to host this blog and ask you to join me. Well, the short answer is, like many of you, only my lifetime association with Jesus. Nothing more. Now, if you want to know who I am, well that’s a different question. Christ captured my heart at 15 while I was attending a Christian summer camp. A few years later I dropped out of Bible college after two years to begin my working career. At 25 Sandy and I left hometown Indiana for Denver where I spent the next 40 years working at a small manufacturing operation. We were active in three churches over the years, serving as a Deacon in one and an Elder in another. We also spent several years floating from one church to another without a firm church home.

One final comment about the pictures on this site. All were taken and edited by me. If you see anything interesting that you might want to copy or get a print of, shoot me an email and we’ll figure it out. (We can also customize the text on most any of them.)

Ok. I’m getting bored with my long-winded rambling. Now I want to get started sharing with you some of the outrageous life we have all been called to live, always pointing to Jesus along the way.  I’d be honored if you joined me by filling out the short form below to get all our posts automatically delivered to your inbox.
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