Unconditional Love >> Enduring Gratitude
Psalms 45:10-11
Listen, O daughter, give attention and incline your ear:
Forget your people and your father’s house;
Then the King will desire your beauty.
Because He is your Lord, bow down to Him.
Some translations, as does this one – the NASB, imply a cause and effect here: forget your family, and then (because of that) the King will desire your beauty. To me the implication is that God is saying, ‘If you will love me above all others, then I will desire you and your beauty.’
Other translations do not imply that there is a cause and effect. Based on my own current understanding of the gospel message, I generally prefer renderings that do not imply that God loves and desires his kids because they have or are behaving themselves. To be sure, God rewards our good efforts and allows us to suffer the consequences of unbelief (which conceals itself in many ways). But his love for us, his longing to spend eternity with us, his appreciation of our God-given beauty, is NOT contingent upon anything we do, but is based solely on his own character. He decided to love us. He said he does and will forever. He never goes back on his word.
That eternal truth then leads us to identify with and desire to fulfill verses 1 and 17 here in this chapter:
Psalms 45:1
My heart overflows with a good theme;
I address my verses to the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
Psalms 45:17
I will cause Your name to be remembered in all generations;
Therefore the peoples will give You thanks forever and ever.
Enduring gratitude and a desire to share Jesus with others is the natural result of recognizing and accepting his gift of grace and unconditional love.
So glad He loved me first!
Me too! Love you, sweetheart!